Indobrains Interactive Studio 应用

Fazail e Amaal English Version 1.0.2
Fazail e Amaal is the most best seller book inthe world written by Syeikh Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Al-Kandlawi.The tabligh pilgrim is the most wide movement in the world who hasuse this reference book. Now, we try to provide this kitab toAndroid apps, perhaps more attention and suggestion for thisproduct.
Kalkulator KPR 1.0.7
Simulasi penghitung nilai kredit yang harusdibayarkan tiap bulan, untuk rencana kepemilikan rumah (KPR).Menggunakan 2 macam penghitungan bunga yakni Floating dan Flat.Floating yakni menggunakan rumus eksponensial sedangkan Flat adalahmengikut deret aritmatik biasa.Simulation counter valueof loans to be paid each month, for a plan (mortgage). Using twokinds of calculation of interest namely Floating and Flat. Floatingie using an exponential formula while the flat was to follow theusual arithmetic progression.
UUD RI 1945 1.9
Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik IndonesiaTahun 1945.Program ini dimaksudkan sebagai bentuk sosialisasi Undang-undangDasar Negara Indonesia dengan segala amandemen yang pernahmerubahnya.Sebagai orang Indonesia yang perduli dengan Hukum dan perundangananda wajib mengunduh aplikasi ini dan menyebarluaskannya.The Constitution of theRepublic of Indonesia Year 1945.The program is intended as a form of socialization Constitution ofthe Republic of Indonesia with all amendments to ever change.As the Indonesian people who care about the law and regulations youmust download this application and disseminate it.
Islamic Sex Education 1.0.4
The Islamic Book About Sex and Wedding inIslamic Prespective.May be you have read another book about how to make goodrelationship with our partner, i.e your wife or husband. How tomake a happy family, with Islamic rules, that can make we safe inhere and after.
Prayer Time 2.1.3
Free prayer time for every muslem in theworld. these time follow your network or gps.Also adzan alarm for reminder you pray everyday.
Emotional Quotient Test 1.0.3
Emotional Quotient Test is a tool to testyouremotional level. How literate you about your ownemotions.
Info dan Berita Bola Bandung 1.0
Di aplikasi ini anda bisa menemukaninformasiterkini dari klub kesayangan Anda.In this applicationyoucan find the latest information from your favorite club.
Tasbeeh 1.1.8
Free Tasbeeh for every muslim in the world